Sunday, 21 August 2011

Trip Advisor v me.... and I appear to be on the losing side:(

I know I can be impatient, particularly on computers, and tend to click, click, click away when if I only waited 10 seconds or so something might happen.  I think it comes with the teacher territory - if things don't appear instantly on a screen it gives the kids the opportunity to be diverted and then KBOOM!  the lesson is shot to pieces.  Also I love trying out new things and I don't like waiting!   Sadly, this clicking habit of mine has led me into conflict with Trip Advisor and I fear I'm on the losing side.

So far this summer I have written about 6 holiday reports about my recent trip to Kalkan.  I enjoy doing these and hope that they are of interest to people who have been or plan to go to the same places as me.  I also think it's a great way of giving feedback to the restaurants, hotels etc that I write about.  However, this summer Trip Advisor has not published any of my reports, although they have written and thanked me for each one I have done.  I've been trying to discover why this is, but the cogs of Trip Advisor seem to move pretty slowly and I haven't had a definitive answer.  Looking in the Sunday Times today (21.8.11) I imagine that I am considered to be a fake reviewer, although a simple check on all my entries ought to show that isn't the case.  The other reason that could be causing these problems is that I have inadvertently opened 2 accounts - because we changed internet providers a while ago making my email account redundant.  This can't be a unique problem though.  I perhaps clicked away to quickly, creating a new account, linking it with facebook and trying out lots of the new apps.  Now I feel that I've been chucked out the Trip Advisor basket like a mouldy blackberry.
I find this all really frustrating as I am trying to do as much writing as I can.  Also, we had some really special times on our holiday - good times made memorable - and I wanted to thank the people involved and let others know about it.

So I shall carry on with my writing - remembering to save it (which I didn't sadly - so that's a good few hours of my life wasted).  I will get it published somewhere and Trip Advisor can go find itself someone else to undermine.

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